Heartright Farm – Our Newest Adventure



We have some extremely exciting news to share with you all! (Many of you already know if you are friends with us on Facebook!)


Sorry, too good to resist.

No, we didn’t buy a zoo but we did just purchase our very own little piece of wonderfulness….

We own land!


Heartright Farm came into existence just a few weeks ago and we are thrilled to finally own land to grow our family on and start our farm business and ministry. We haven’t shared a whole lot publicly about our plans to start a family run produce farm and down the road couple it with the ministry of helping troubled kids, and I’m not really going to go into it too much on this post either, as it needs a post all of its own! I did just want to share a little about the land and our plans for this next year or two on it.

The property (or the ‘Farm’, as we’re now calling it) is 10 beautiful acres of gently rolling hills right in the heart of the country. There’s a small stocked pond ready for Little Man to catch his first fish in (oh, yeah, and Grandpa, he’s ready too!) as well as a little creek running along the back of the property. The land consists of both open pasture fields as well as a couple acres of woods perfect for fort building and some hunting. At the front of the property sits a big ol’ red barn that hopefully soon will house some small farm animals!


It’s quite exciting thinking about all the potential this piece of land has and all the ideas we have for it. We’re having to pace ourselves through knowing we can’t do it all at once! Our first priorities are to get water, electric, and septic out there plus a driveway. After that, we’re not entirely sure what we’ll be doing but would definitely love to purchase a camper trailer and live on the property while we’re building a house. We’ll see where God leads with that one. Regardless if we’re living there or not, we do plan to start a garden area for this summer. It might just be a few lower maintenance crops if we’re not living there yet, but getting at least something growing is important.


Another facet of having the new Farm will be that we want to get our feet wet with selling at Farmers Markets this year. Whether we’re growing from our current home or on the Farm, getting familiar with a Farmers Market will be huge in helping get Heartright Farm going as a business.

Besides the garden/farm/business aspect of the land, I’m so thrilled to have a property that our kids will be able to grow up on with freedom to run around, build forts, go fishing, have friends over, learn to care for animals, work with their hands, get dirty, and a host of other opportunities!


Stay tuned for the next chapter in our adventure!


2 thoughts on “Heartright Farm – Our Newest Adventure

  1. Best of luck on your new venture. Having done Farmers’ Markets for nearly 20 years, I can tell you it will be a challenge, but lots of fun. Be sure to choose a good market, and try not to compete with the established vendors in terms of product and price. Find your own niche. Some vendors will be very helpful, and some will resent a new competitor.

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